Through movement and the expressive arts practice I experience my body as a resource and medicine, where each part and cell contains many stories, where the physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual connect. I exist in my body, as a complex system and as uniquely specialized parts—body parts that hold shape and functions and thus stories of how to be in the world, these stories come to me as metaphors and art. I am in research and practice within myself in order to be open and ready to offer and receive from others.

The felt-sense is equivalent to this observation and witnessing of the sand in my hand. I watch the world around me, I reach out to it, I touch it, and it touches me back. I see, I feel, I sense, I hear, I imagine. We are in a nourishing relationship, I know my location in the world

I grow into my Higher-Self. I allow this part of myself to guide me in wisdom. I am guided by an infinite ocean, a celestial vault that envelops me. I am supported and protected to be a compassionate witness for myself and others.

A cell-like container with permeable walls, and flexible boundaries. There are multiple resources and tools in the cell that nourish it, and that carry specific functions. My therapeutic container mirrors these cell-like properties, which then are the fractals and reflections of my entire body-container.

Fragmented experiences are reflected to me through the arts, where I put the pieces together, place them in multiple locations,  and find new perspectives of the stories of my own life experiences. The art looks back at me , it reflects me back and I’m able to study the fragments as if for the first time. From fragments to a whole.

There is an explosive transformation when I feel the power and creativity of my survival adaptations, whatever they are or were in the past. It becomes as if I’ve had superpowers to keep myself alive, and the superpower is in my own body, they show themselves with mystic qualities, talismans for protection.

My body finds delight in its regulation of the nervous system. This is created by co-regulation with human and non-human family, in nature, in my own free movement and creative time, and space I’ve carved for myself. I build a rhythm of care that sustains me.